The Hingle plot is a graphical solution used to help define water saturation and matrix parameters. A clean (low shale volume) water bearing interval should be used. A line drawn slightly above the northwesterly line (the top line) corresponds to Sw=1.00 and represents water-bearing zones. The other lines represent Sw<1.00 with Sw decreasing clockwise. The rearraged Archie model is given by the following equation:
RESD^-1/m = PHI/((aRw)/(Sw^n))^1/m
This equation describes a set of straight lines fanning out from a common point of origin, which represents the matrix.
Start by inputting porosity-resistivity data series, (green, blue and orange cells). Each data series allows an unlimited number of rows, and cut and paste functionality is available. Next, adjust water saturation parameters (yellow cells with Rw, a, m and n inputs) until the water saturation lines fit the desired data series. Finally, customize the input values for the five constant water saturation lines which will be plotted (yellow cells with Sw value inputs).
Hingle, A.T. "The Use of Logs in Exploration Problems," paper presented at the Soc. of Exploration Geophysicists 29th Intl. Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov. 1959.
Fertl, W.H. "Hingle Crossplot Speeds Long-Interval Evaluation," Oil & Gas J. (Jan. 15, 1979) 114-116.